
Templo de Hécate


We pay devotion to the Goddess Hekate each month, lighting Her Flame at dusk each Dark Moon, keeping Her Fire burning until dusk on the following day.

To take part in this Tending rite is very easy.

You will need:

A bit of oil of Hekate or olive oil.
A red, black or white candle.

A vessel of water.
Paper and pencil.

Set up a safe space for your candle, bear in mind it will burn for a long a time and this might be dangerous if you are not careful enough. Anoint it with the oil –remember that the correct way of anointing the candle is from the middle upwards and then from the middle downwards. In the meantime focus your attention on this candle becoming an offering to Hekate worthy for keeping her Flame.

Now take the candle between your hands and recite:

Dark Mighty Goddess of the Crossroads,
answer my call and show yourself before us.
Bearer of the Divine Fire,
who illuminates with your fiery torch,
symbol of Inner and Outer Wisdom,
come to satiate our thirst for Light.
Lady of Darkness and Rebirth,
I invoke thee, in this dark night,
to guide me through the path of life.
I call thee oh, Great Hekate,
to pay devotion and show my love for thee.
Lady of the Mysteries,
Mother of the Night,
I thank for Your company and Your protection.

Next, light the flame and let it burn for 24 hours. Let the altar go with incense throughout. After lighting the Flame, meditate for a few minutes. It is advisable to pay attention to your dreams as well for the following nights.

If you have a petition, this is the moment to write it down and leave it into the vessel of water next to the Flame and offering whatever you consider.